We operate sustainably.
Sustainability is not just a trend or a temporary competitive advantage; it is a necessity in the actions of every individual. As a university, we recognize our special societal responsibility. Therefore, we operate sustainably. Our students acquire the skills that motivate and empower them to act sustainably.

We live and teach sustainability and are committed to society and the environment.
Our understanding of sustainability
Our understanding of sustainability is guided by the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 main goals and 169 sub-goals are outlined in the 2030 Agenda, adopted in 2015 by 193 UN member states. The SDGs cover all dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic.
As a university, we place particular emphasis on the 4th UN goal: "Ensure inclusive, equitable, and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all."
How did our strategy develop?
In developing our sustainability strategy, we aligned ourselves with the SDGs, ISO 26000, and the university-specific sustainability code HOCH-N. HOCH-N identifies five key areas of sustainability for universities and adopts a comprehensive institutional approach.
Our first step was to conduct a status analysis involving staff, students, and alumni, and calculate our carbon footprint with the help of an independent agency. Based on this analysis, we identified areas with the highest potential for savings and offset our calculated greenhouse gas emissions from the past two years in order to become carbon neutral.
To perform a materiality analysis, we conducted internal workshops and a survey with all stakeholders of the university (e.g., students, alumni, staff, corporate partners) to understand their expectations of us.
Based on this input, working groups for each key area developed a catalog of specific goals, actions, indicators, and timelines. The project team then formulated the sustainability strategy for the coming years, which was approved by the university leadership.
Since the beginning of 2022, the sustainability strategy has been in implementation.
We are pleased to present our achievements so far.