If you want to be absolutely sure to choose the right programme, make use of our very special offer.

Make use of our individual taster session!
We offer you the possibility to try out your distance learning programme for 28 days, making use of all the services we offer – no strings attached.
This is how it works...
- Download the enrolment form for your chosen Bachelor’s, Master’s or programme.
- Complete your distance learning contract and send it to info@srh-dlu.de or to the student advisor for your chosen study programme.
- You can try out your chosen programme for the first 28 days (right of withdrawal), with no strings attached. If you like the course, you simply carry on studying. Your taster period will count towards your regular study duration.
- If you find that the course is not exactly what you are looking for, you can withdraw from your contract any time within those 28 days. At no charge and with no strings attached.
Enrolment forms
The advantages of your taster session
- You receive your starter pack, containing the entire study materials for the first five modules.
- You gain full access to the E-campus and study in line with our distance learning study concept.
- Your personal student advisor is available for you at all times.
- You can make use of all the digital tools and online libraries provided via the E-campus: Office 365, Citavi, EBSCO, SpringerLink and SPSS.
- You get to know your mentor, allocated to you from the body of professors.
- You can complete your first term papers and assignments for submission.